Forests for Wood

Coillte holds the distinction of being Ireland’s primary provider of sustainably certified roundwood, which serves as the fundamental raw material utilized by sawmill and panel board clients to craft top-quality timber and timber-based products.

The forestry sector, predominantly situated in rural Ireland, sustains approximately 12,000 jobs and contributes a substantial €2.3 billion to the national economy. Projections indicate that this sector is poised to double in size over the coming decade.

Coillte, as a major player, accounts for around 75% of Ireland’s timber supply, with Sitka spruce emerging as the principal commercial tree species in our inventory.

In the year 2020, Coillte yielded an impressive 2.31 million cubic meters of wood, with a substantial portion, approximately 1.42 million cubic meters, being sold as sawlogs to our valued sawmill customers. In total, Coillte supplied sufficient construction timber to construct a staggering 50,000 homes, calculated based on an average of 46 cubic meters of timber per home.