Forest Biodiversity

Avondale Forest Park boasts an array of trees in varying types and sizes.

The park encompasses over 100 distinct tree varieties, including indigenous species like Oak and Scots Pine, intermingled with a diverse collection of broadleaved trees such as beech and an assortment of conifers. Within this woodland expanse, one can find towering trees like spruce, ancient and gnarled yew trees, as well as smaller trees, all coexisting harmoniously. Underneath the tree canopy, the forest floor flourishes with an assortment of forest plants and shrubby undergrowth, creating a haven for ground-dwelling birds seeking cover.

The richness of diversity within these woods serves as an allure for wildlife. The nooks and crannies fostered by this varied landscape offer shelter and sustenance to a wide spectrum of creatures, including insects, birds, and bats. The weathered stone wall, remnants of the estate’s past, also provides a niche for insects and bats. The sun-warmed stones and gaps between them serve as excellent hiding spots during daylight hours.

Avondale houses an assortment of larger mammals, encompassing diverse deer species, badgers, otters, red and grey squirrels, pine martens, hedgehogs, and rabbits. Among the nine bat species present in Ireland, seven are found within the confines of Avondale, including the common and soprano pipistrelle, Leisler’s, Daubenton’s, brown long-eared, whiskered, and Natterer’s bat. The park’s old structures and clearings nestled amidst the trees provide ideal habitats for these winged creatures. A tapestry of birdlife also calls Avondale home, with notable inhabitants such as the great spotted woodpecker, the kingfisher, the red kite, and the long-eared owl.

Avondale boasts an extensive array of tree species, encompassing both evergreen and deciduous types, along with a mix of native and introduced varieties.

The rich historical tapestry of Avondale has contributed to its diverse range of trees, with the Arboretum housing several champion specimens.

While exploring Avondale, keep a keen eye out for captivating plants, avian residents, and intriguing animals. An opportunity to delve deeper into the world of Avondale’s trees, wildlife, and flora awaits through the Treetop Walk, a guided exploration.

Avondale Forest Park is encompassed by the Biodiversity Area Management Plan for South Leinster, while Coillte has also crafted a dedicated Forest Plan for Avondale. Further insights into the history and conservation efforts can be found by delving into these resources.